3 Ways to Find Job Seekers Who Will Enjoy Their Job

Posted October 8, 2017

The biggest factor to boosting or maintaining worker satisfaction is hiring individuals who fit your business culture.

You may interview many qualified applicants, but if your work culture and team dynamics do not go well with their personality and work habits, they are less likely to be successful hires.

Your business culture is formed by many factors; from your values to the staff members you currently have in place. It can be difficult to sense how an individual would fit in based on the brief interactions you have during the interview process. However, it is possible and there are a few obvious signs. Here are three signs to look out for.

Know What You Are Looking For

Workers are more prone to feel self confident and comfortable in their job when they know what their value is to their employer. Uncertainty around an employee's value can cause unnecessary stress and make it challenging for staff members to pay attention to what they do best.

It’s obvious that staff members are more content when they feel their abilities are being put to good use, but for that to occur, they first must comprehend how their particular set of skills contributes to a company reaching its objectives.

Before meeting applicants, create a list of the attributes you would like the ideal employee to have, including their character traits and work ethic, along with the abilities and experience necessary for the job. For instance, is the job more appropriate for a detail-oriented introvert? Or would someone who is outgoing and good with people be a better fit?

Make Them Interact with Your Staff

In and out of the office, significant relationships have a strong influence on our happiness. They cultivate a feeling of belonging, alleviate stress, and make us feel secure and supported.

Studies have revealed that positive workplace relationships are essential for our engagement and efficiency. Even though some people might see socializing in the workplace as counterproductive, friendship and camaraderie remain as important as ever in professional settings.

To get a good sense of how each applicant might fit in at your company in general, get your applicant to meet with a few other staff members and watch how they interact. Introduce them to the immediate supervisor, their potential co-workers and anybody that would be reporting to them. All of this will help to create a bigger picture of each applicant. It also means you can pick your colleagues brains about each of the applicants when it comes time to make a hiring decision.

Compare Them to Current and Past Employees

Think about your best and most satisfied staff members. What attributes do they have?

You can then use current top performers as a barometer for each applicant. You don’t automatically want your workers to all be imitations of each other, as variety can bring different things to the table; however odds are that somebody who resembles your most satisfied employees will probably be satisfied with their job as well.

You also should consider problem staff members you’ve had in the past. An applicant with a comparable personality to a problem employee may also struggle to succeed in your company.

At Ambassador, we help companies find the best-fit talent for their operations. Please contact us today to work with a full-service staffing firm and find out how we can help your company reach its goals.