3 steps that will help you make fewer errors in hiring
Posted November 25, 2013
Sales talent discovery system Sales Genomix recently created an infographic, called “Prevent Unforced Hiring Errors,” which was targeted toward sales professionals but can also useful for all industries when it comes to the hiring process.
What’s an unforced hiring error?
According to Merriam-Webster Online, the definition of “unforced error” is: a missed shot or lost point (as in tennis) that is entirely a result of the player’s own blunder and not because of the opponent’s skill or effort.
What blunders have you made in hiring?
Some common errors, made by almost every organization at one time or another, include:
- Failing to pre-screen candidates
- Relying only on interviews to evaluate a candidate
- Eliminating background checks
- Demanding too many criteria
- Ignoring cultural fit
- Developing a small candidate pool
- Hiring for “Halo Effect”
So, how can you apply Sales Genomix’s discoveries to prevent unforced hiring errors and ultimately decrease your number of bad hires?
- Include these three components in your hiring strategy:
- Be recruiting all the time: You should always be looking for top talent. Many talented employees already have jobs, yet would be open to a new position if the right one came along. You should be reaching out to as many as you can.
- Study your failures and your successes: Your top performers possess skills your bottom performers do not. Identify the qualities, good and bad, that cause them to be assessed this way, then figure out how to avoid and eliminate those candidates with the “worst” qualities and maximize those with the “best.” Just be sure to assess skills, not personality.
- Follow the 30-30-30-10 Rule: Instead of putting all your hiring eggs in one basket, assess each candidate with this quick formula.
- 30 percent: Can do—The actual skills and talents a candidate possesses
- 30 percent: Will do—All other required job functions a candidate is willing to do, even if s/he doesn’t have the experience
- 30 percent: Will fit—s/he fits properly into your workplace culture
- 10 percent: Gut feeling—Your overall instinct on the candidate
- Make sure expectations are being met: If you want your recruitment process to be excellent, you’ll need to monitor those who implement it. Have your recruiting team turn in all metrics on Fridays at 5pm, just as a sales team has to turn in expense reports, call reports and forecasts. This way you can keep track of your company’s metrics throughout the year, such as:
- Weekly: Number of potential candidates found and interviews scheduled
- Monthly: Talent expressed interest, worth pursuing for next step in hiring process. How many interviews conducted?
- Quarterly: Have a “replacement plan” that consists of two names and numbers of people who can replace a new hire in case of turnover.
- Annually: Conduct stay interviews and assess career path, especially probability of turnover in the next 12-24-36 months.
One other way to eliminate hiring errors? Hire the professionals at Team Ambassador to do the work for you! If you are looking for local staffing agencies, contact Ambassador Personnel today.