Ambassador Next-Level Resume Tactics: What Will Make It Stand Out?

Posted February 10, 2015

The first step towards landing a new job starts with a resume that will get you noticed. You need to make it past the initial screening process, which is tricky, as the average hiring manager will glance at a resume for 30 seconds at the most. So you'll need a resume that covers four things.

1.  A professional summary

This is where you lay out for hiring managers what sets you apart from competitors. Use it to make a strong first impression. Customize your professional summary for each prospective employer by highlighting certain accomplishments that would help in your new role.

2.  Keywords

When hiring managers use application tracking systems to find candidates, they search the system for resumes that contain the most keywords that match the skills they’re seeking. To make it past this step, so hiring managers will see your resume, you need to optimize the use of keywords in your resume. Go through the job description and see which skills and programs are listed that correspond to the information on your resume. If you see words in the description that apply to you but are not already on your resume, add them.

3.  Social media profiles

It's become common to include links to your professional social media on your resume—but make sure they reflect the same professionalism as your resume. These links may include a LinkedIn profile, a blog you write for, or a forum to which you regularly contribute.

4.  Outreach

If you’re only applying for jobs by going through a website or sending an email to one person, you’re not maximizing your chances of getting noticed. Rather than sending your resume to one person, do some research into the company to see who else might have input on the job you’re pursuing— HR staff, the hiring manager, the department head, potential peers—and contact all of them. You can use LinkedIn or the corporate web site to get email addresses and phone numbers.

Another way to make your resume stand out? Try paying for a premium LinkedIn account. You'll get access to “Featured Applicant” status, so all of your job applications will rise to the top of the pile. This puts more eyeballs on your resume, which is, after all, your goal!

One tactic that will get your resume in front of some of the top employers in the Southeast is to work with Team Ambassador. Give us a call today to see what we can do for you!