How To Keep An Eye Out For Your Next Temp Job

Posted April 24, 2014

One of the great things about working temporary jobs through a staffing agency is that you get to work in a variety of places if you choose. One of the drawbacks is that your current job may end at any time. If it’s important to you to work consistently, it’s a good idea to always be actively planning for your next opportunity. How?


Stay in touch with your recruiter at the agency

Especially if you’ve been on an assignment for awhile, check in with him or her to see if there are any upcoming jobs that might be good for you. Check to see if there has been any word from your current employer as to when your current assignment will end. If you know the end is in sight, remind them of this and make sure they know your new availability date.


Update your resume with new skills learned at your current temp job

Another plus about working temporary jobs is the ability to learn new things and gain hands-on experience that might help you down the road. Can you add anything to your resume? If you’re interested in staying in the field where you’ve been temping, try to use current buzzwords or popular skills if they apply.


Subscribe to the staffing agency job board alerts

Some staffing agencies have their own job boards, where they post current opportunities with their clients. If they offer an alert function, sign up for it! If you see something that interests you, ask your recruiter about it.


Of course, none of these activities should interfere with you doing your current temp job to the best of your abilities. First, you want to remain in good standing with your agency. Second, you may want a reference from this employer. Third, if you do a good job and have a good attitude, the company may want to bring you back next time they need a temp.


Are you ready to see what kind of jobs the Southeast’s best employers have to offer? Call or contact Ambassador Personnel so you can get started as soon as possible! If you are looking for temporary agencies in Charlotte, contact our team today.