How the U.S. Manufacturing Industry is Affecting Job Seekers

Posted May 30, 2013

There have been so many changes in the U.S. manufacturing landscape over the past few years that it is difficult to keep up. Since the recession started there has been a lot of talk about off-shoring and overseas manufacturing production. Now that the economy is picking up a little steam, analysts are suggesting that U.S. manufacturing is on the rise but what are the facts and figures really telling U.S.? Here are some ways that manufacturing is affecting job seekers today.

  • Made in America. It seems as though many companies are beginning to pull jobs back from India and China. This may be related to costs; since wage increases and oil prices are affecting the savings U.S. companies were experiencing by outsourcing the manufacturing in the first place. With pressure from many Americans, companies are looking to bring production back to the U.S. to make use of the very innovations that made their products the best on the market.  Watch for American companies to begin hiring for positions that had been recently shipped overseas.
  • Return of U.S. Jobs. While manufacturing jobs are not what the U.S. experienced in the 1970’s, the growth is promising. In 2000, American manufacturing companies employed over 17 million people. In 2012 the number had reached back up to 12 million after more than a decade of steady decline. However, growth is positive for manufacturing job seekers moving forward.
  • The Skills Gap. One problem facing U.S. manufacturers is the changing technologies of production and the status quo of the U.S. worker. The best way to find a job in U.S. manufacturing today is to become skilled and knowledgeable in today’s processes including computer-aided production.  U.S. Companies are concerned that job seekers aren’t qualified to keep up with the advancements in technology and by becoming an expert in these functions a job seeker will have an advantage in the market. Consider going back to school or interning with a company already utilizing these technologies.

Are you looking for your next manufacturing opportunity? Contact the specialists at Ambassador Personnel today!