How to Win the Battle for Talented Professionals

Posted November 7, 2013

Even with high unemployment, companies are having trouble finding and hiring top talent. Why? There’s a widespread mismatch of skills in the United States. With jobs becoming increasingly more technical, American companies are feeling the pinch from a lack of domestic talent.


So how can you attract skilled employees, especially those who have recent training in the skills you need?


  1. Acknowledge the cultural shift that has occurred with younger workers. Generation Y likes to see an emphasis on sustainability and “green” corporate policies. They want to work for companies whose corporate philosophies mirror their own beliefs.
  2. Create a more dynamic, innovative environment. The younger generation (including the aging Generation X) wants something more than just a paycheck. They have personal visions of success, and they still have a strong streak of idealism. Giving them the chance to pursue their goals will be a talent magnet.
  3. With regards to numbers 1 and 2, advertise your culture, not just your jobs. Anyone can offer a job as a sales manager. But if your company offers a unique environment, cool or unusual programs, training and advancement opportunities or regular participation in community events, be sure to tell the world! Include this information in not only your job postings but on your Facebook page, your Twitter profile and your company blog.
  4. Go after passive candidates. Maybe there are some great employees out there, who would be a perfect fit for your company, but they’re not actively looking for a new job. They may not realize how great your company is to work for (yet, right?) or they may be staying at their current job out of habit. Be proactive! Always be networking, both through technology and personal contact. Passive recruiting is also a great way to stay in touch with valued former employees.


You know it’s true that a company is only as good as its employees. So if you want your company to be great, you need to find great people who have the right skills.

To win the war for talent, try these techniques for reaching and ultimately hiring the best talent available.


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