What Do I Wear to a Manufacturing Interview?

Posted March 17, 2016

When interviewing in any industry, it is important to make a good first impression - and that means wearing the proper attire to the interview.

If you were interviewing for an office job, the decision would be pretty easy: Men should wear a suit and tie, while women should wear a business suit.

For those interviewing for a manufacturing job, those clothes might be a bit too formal and give off the wrong impression. Hiring managers want to picture you working in the job every day and a suit might send the message that a manufacturing job is just a temporary stop on the way to somewhere else.

Rather than wearing office professional attire, those interviewing for a manufacturing job should probably dress "business casual."

What is business casual?

Business casual isn't just for those working in manufacturing. Many companies have moved on from the Mad Men days of semi-formal business wear and embraced something a bit more relaxed.

But what does that mean? It turns out there is no real consensus on what business casual is.

Can you wear jeans? Some people say yes.

What about a polo shirt? Probably fine.

Yoga pants, even if I look good in them? No way.

Unfortunately, there are no hard rules on what business casual is, but most people can agree on a few things. For men, it means khakis or trousers, a shirt with a collar, no tie, and no jacket or blazer. Sneakers kind of are a grey area, but for interview purposes - we're going to recommend that men wear shoes with soles.

For women, business casual means trousers or a skirt that goes to at least the knee, a blouse or shirt with a collar, no jeans and no athletic gear, including sneakers.

Ultimately, you want to dress neatly, but not too buttoned-up. You want to dress for the job you are applying for - not the job of company executive.

Hair, makeup and accessories

After you've got the basic outfit down, consider how to wear your hair and what accessories are appropriate.

First, your hair should be styled conservatively. Dyed hair or unique styles are going to count against you, so consider toning down any flamboyant hair choices. Long hair should be tied back, as it could be considered a safety hazard on a tour of the facilities. Also, make sure your hair is clean and brushed.

Second, wear very few accessories if any. Facial piercings can sink your chances right off the bat so consider removing them. Many manufacturing facilities consider rings, bracelets and necklaces to be safety hazards. Some facilities even call for wedding bands to be removed before anyone can set foot on the production floor.

At Ambassador, we help our job candidates get ready for their job interview. Contact one of the leading employment firms in the South today to get started on taking the next step in your career!