What Does Your Personality Say About Your Sales Career?

Posted April 1, 2017 - Revised April 1, 2017

Anyone can be an effective salesperson when the price of what's being sold is cheap enough or it is something people can't do without. However for most people in sales, neither of these are a part of their equation.

The challenge of selling is complicated by the reality that most consumers have a diverse range of choices in front of them.

So, to be able to sell effectively, you need to leverage your personality. Like it or not, your personality has a bearing on far more sales than you will ever know. Therefore, you should take a proactive approach in how you present yourself as a salesperson. Below are a few things to ask yourself when considering how your personality affects your sales prospects.

Are you interested in your customers?

A salesperson must not come across as arrogant or manipulative. Instead, they ought to come across as being confident in the ability to help someone get what they want. To project that shade of confidence, you have to first get to know your customers.

A good salesperson takes the time to learn what the needs of their customers are. Taking a genuine interest helps to uncover wishes the customer may not otherwise share and then act to fulfill those needs, resulting in both a sale and a happy customer.

Do you try to be attractive?

There's being attractive in the sense of being physically attractive, and then there's the idea of trying to attract people to you socially. You may not have a lot of control over the former, but there’s a lot you can do when it comes to attracting people in a professional sense.

People with attractive personalities do not get upset easily, are solutions-focused and are generally upbeat. They try to be inclusive, as opposed to exclusive in their actions and they push others to share openly. Simply put, someone with an attractive personality is a person you would prefer to spend time with.

Can you embrace the soft sell?

Excellent salespeople often don't appear to be selling anything. They are coaching people, building faith in their abilities and growing confidence in a product or service. They are softly and invisibly showing why customers should trust them and subsequently buy from them.

Also, embracing the soft sell goes back to the idea of getting to know your customers. Once you know their pain points, you are working to solve their problems with a product or service.

Are you hardworking and resilient?

A great salesperson is trying to close sales, find potential leads, follow up on leads and gather information. These people are good multitaskers who can keep everything organized. These folks can also handle difficulty, overcome obstacles and maximize their performance when facing adversity. They take being rejected as a challenge to achieve success with the next potential customer.

At Ambassador, we help people take the next big step in their sales careers. If you're currently looking for a new opportunity in sales, please contact us today to work with a full-service staffing agency!